Access to Unit

Your unit is your home and we respect this fact. However, there may be times when staff and contractors need to enter it. They may need to enter your unit in an emergency, to make repairs, to inspect your unit, or to show it to new tenants if you are moving out.​​​

The Residential Tenancies Act requires that we give you at least 24 hours’ written notice before entering ​your unit, except in the case of an emergency.​

Annual Unit Inspections

​​​Once every year, Terra Bella staff will inspect your unit to make sure:​
1. Your unit’s smoke alarms (and carbon monoxide alarms, if applicable) are working.
2. Window screens are not damaged and window locks are in place and not tampered with.
3. Appliances are clean and working​.
4. There is no excessive clutter or fire hazards.
5. There are no major repairs needed.​
The annual unit inspection is a time to check for capital repair needs and compliance with municipal licensing standards.


​Every unit comes with a fridge and stove. They will work better if you clean them regularly. If your fridge or stove needs to be repaired, inform Management in writing.

Tenants are not permitted to install a washing machine, dryer, or dishwasher in their units. Installing these machines in your home can damage the plumbing in the building, cause floods or loss of water for you or your neighbours, or create other problems. If you install appliances without written consent, they will be removed and you will be charged for any repairs that are needed.


​Enjoy making your unit comfortable. It’s your home.
Remember: Under the terms of your lease, permanent changes are not allowed when decorating. ​
​​If you do make permanent changes, you will be charged for the cost of returning your unit to the way it was when you moved in.​
• Flooring cannot be changed.
• Doors, cabinets, or plumbing and light fixtures cannot be removed.
• Only sticky picture hooks that will not damage walls can be used. Nails or hooks cannot be used for hanging pictures.
If you have more questions about decorating, speak to Management.

Keeping Terra Bella Clean

A clean building is everyone’s responsibility and it takes staff and residents working together to keep Terra Bella clean. Here are some tips to remember:
• Properly dispose of cigarette butts when smoking in outdoor common areas.
• Keep the lobby, hallways and other common areas clear of clutter, garbage/debris and large objects, including scooters and bikes. Never leave items in common areas as they are fire and safety hazards.
• Dispose of waste properly. Keep the trash chute clear and do not leave garbage bags and/or garbage/debris on the floor of the chute room or in common areas. Sort your garbage and recycling properly, and bring your recycling to the designated recycling area or bin.
• You are responsible for your pet’s behavior and the behavior of the pet of any visitors or guests. This includes cleaning up after the pet and keeping pets on a leash in common areas.
If you see something, say something! Please report things that could be dangerous to others (like a spill) to either the Superintendent or Management.


​​In Ontario, it is against the law to smoke in common areas of apartment buildings.
Common areas are shared spaces like:
• elevators​
• stairwells
• hallways
• parking garages
• ​laundry rooms
• lobbies
• garbage or recycling rooms
• party or entertainment rooms
If you or someone in your household smokes in a common area, you could face a fine of up to $5,000 from the City of Toronto.

Also, it is against the law in Toronto to smoke within nine metres (about 30 steps, or the length of a small bus) of any entrance or exit of a public building such as Terra Bella.

If you are smoking in your unit, keep the unit doors closed so smoke doesn’t travel down the hallway.

Waste management

Proper waste management is an easy way to help keep your community clean. Here are some tips to remember:

• Keep the trash chute, chute room and garbage room clear.
• Sort your garbage and recycling. If you’re not sure where an item goes, go to the City’s online waste sorting tool (Waste Wizard): or call 311.
• Rinse all containers that you are recycling. When you are ready to dispose of them, bring the items to the recycling room and put them in the proper bin. Do not leave items on the floor of the garbage/recycling room
• Dispose of large items properly. Talk to the Superintendent if you have a large item (like furniture or large boxes) that you need to get rid of.
Don’t pour cooking oil down the sink, toilet or drain. It can clog the pipes in your building and community.

Don’t put batteries in the garbage or recycling.

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